Posted January 13, 2011

Best Exercises You Will Ever Do: SHUT UP PETE!!!!

Nothing like starting up a day off from work with a little spinal rotation/extension, hip extension movement from prone. Am I right?? You know it, baby!! Check it.

Reverse Screaming Eagle

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That’s rookie trainer Pete yelling “plank” in the background, kind of like Matt Damon yelling “Matt Damon” in Team America: World Police.

Don’t mind him, he takes a very short bus to work every day. What ever happened to the days when a guy could film himself working out for the betterment of the world (what? Betterment is a word. If Sarah Palin can make up “refudiate” I can make up “betterment,” dammit!! See that? Spell-check even went “What the eff?” when I tried to go over everything again when it saw “refudiate.” She must be stopped.) without some jag-hole ruining your viewing pleasure with his one-word diatribe? Kinda makes you want to do planks, though, doesn’t it?? Maybe that’s just me. Okay, back to the exercise.

This is a great movement to gain some spinal extension and rotation without loading the spine through compression, shear, torque or any other type of potentially dangerous linear force application. As gravity is removed from the spine, it’s free to move through a much bigger range of motion than it would typically go through, and can help reduce posterior disc migration in clients with asymptomatic kyphosis. Crazy? Maybe. Fun? Most definitely.

When doing this movement, think of trying to kick your hand across your body. Get full rotation from the pelvis, extend the hip, flex the knee, do the hokey pokey, and let loose on your bad self. I wouldn’t do this with someone in acute low back pain, but everyone else who sits for any length of time would definitely benefit from it.

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