Blog Archives

  • Jul14

    How to Teach Complex Movements with Layering

    Whenever I teach workshops (like these ones HERE), I tend to break down movements into a lot of detail to help attendees pick up on components that they may not have noticed before. Does their foot position affect their hips? How are they breathing? What joints or segments initiated the movement? Was there any movement…… Read More

  • Jul11

    Maybe You Shouldn’t Deadlift From The Floor

    A few months ago, I wrote a piece that outlined a lot of the individual variances in hip structure, and how they could affect your ability to squat to depth or lack thereof. It was very well received, and I’m happy it got a conversation started about individualizing stance width, depth, and even asymmetric set…… Read More

  • Jul8

    What Kind of Pencil Do You Write With

    The title of this post is a well-known story that Stephen King, prolific author and essentially living legend of fictional narratives, tells about a time he was doing a Q & A with fans and one asked this question. His response: Blackwing 602 #2 pencil, longhand. While they look like pretty nice pencils, and cost…… Read More