Posted June 15, 2011

A Small Sample of the Post Rehab Course

So last week I was in Calgary teaching a workshop on Post-Rehab Training for Personal Trainers, and took the time to video record everything. However, there is a problem with my mic and the audio quality isn’t all that and a bag of chips. That being said, I’ll be teaching the same workshop in Edmonton and have recently taken custody of a brand-spankin-new wireless mic so the audio should hopefully be a few steps higher.

I still wanted to show you a snippet of what we talked about, and found one of the sections to be a pretty cool and well-recieved section on the evolution of the personal training thought process, and wanted to share it with you here. Here I discuss the overlying dimensions of how we came to know what we know as personal trainers, the biggest influences on our knowledge-base, where the gaps may be between these dimensions as well as how to address them. Plus the fact that you get to see an extreme closeup of my right bicep at the start should make for a happy day.

ARVE Error: id and provider shortcodes attributes are mandatory for old shortcodes. It is recommended to switch to new shortcodes that need only url

To top it off, I asked the class if anyone wanted to do a video testimonial of what they thought about the course, and here’s what they had to say.

ARVE Error: id and provider shortcodes attributes are mandatory for old shortcodes. It is recommended to switch to new shortcodes that need only url

SO hopefully I can clean up the audio recording in Edmonton and come out with something that will make your eyes bleed from so much awesomeness. That, or at least it will sound pretty.