Posted July 26, 2013

A Coupe of Quick Things


I’m getting ready to board a plane to Boston for my seminar with Tony Gentilcore, and wanted to let you know about a couple of quick things before I go.

1. We still have a couple seats left for the weekend. If you want to come to Cressey Performance and spend a weekend watching Tony and I make complete fools of ourselves while trying to sound smart, you’ll want to come to this. Seriously though, It’s going to be an awesome experience. How could it not be, when the title slide for one of my presentations is this??

Voodoo cover slide


We even have a couple of surprise guests lined up to make appearances, a meatitarian dinner planned, and even a small group workout lead by Tony and myself for those who want to get their swole on Monday morning. I’m thinking Prancercise coupled with some Tracy Anderson glute work and then followed by meditation whilst standing on three bosu balls stacked on top of each other.

====> Click Here for More Info and to Register <====

2. The ULTIMATE Supplement Resource launch sale ends tomorrow

I talked about this on Tuesday, and have since found some really cool aspects of the book. First, let’s say you look up a supplement you’re curious about. You find out it does stuff you didn’t think it would, and doesn’t do other stuff you thought it would. From there, you can link directly to the research study to show the results of the experiments that showed what the results were in humans.

From there, you can also link to a listing of other supplements that do similar things as that supplement, and learn about how they act. From there, you can wield the power of Greyskull and conquer the universe, much like He-Man but DEFINITELY not like his wussy counterpart Adam.

50 shades greyskull

Without a doubt, this will be the best 30 bucks you spend on yourself this year. Much better than the movie for two next Saturday evening where you line up with 50 thousand screaming teenagers who are hopped up on Coke and Twizzlers.

The sale ends tomorrow, and the price goes up to a still very affordable $39, but why not save a cool ten spot while you can?


====> Click Here for More Information and to Get your Copy <====

3. Last, Mike Robertson has been releasing a bunch of full-length video presentations for free this week and I wanted to show you how to get at them. Like I said, they’re F. to the REE, and chock full of tasty knowledge bits on things like Flexibility, Stability and Mobility Training; and Strength & Power. These videos clock in around 45 minutes each, so they’re an amazing free (FREE) resource for anyone to get.

====> Click Here to Learn More and Get Free Knowledge Bombs <====

Well, they’re calling for boarding now, so I gotta head out. Have a great day everyone!!!