Well, I have a big big BIG project in the works, and am set to unleash it on the world next week, but I can’t talk about it too much just yet. I like to build up the suspense.
That being said, there is a lot of stuff I can talk about this week, and I’m going to share some of the awesomeness for you in today’s update on things to read, buy, and check out in passing.
1. Stop Doing Corrective Exercises – Article on T-Nation
While this may sound like a really bold title, the article (written by moi) talks about when it’s good and not so good to do corrective exercises. Think of corrective exercises sort of like medication. If you don’t have the problem, you don’t need the medication. Use them sparingly and they’re powerfully beneficial.
By his own admission, Eric Cressey is getting older. This is both funny and depressing to me as he and I are the same age. I’d like to think I’m going to mature like a fine wine, getting more character and depth as the calendar pages turn. What will probably happen is I’ll turn into a cantankerous old koot who yells at the politicians on television and tries to start fights with clouds.
Regardless, Eric put his fantastic training system, Show and Go Training on sale for only the second time since he released it a few years back. The program regularly goes for $147, but for this week only in celebration of Eric turning 32, he has it on for a massive 48% off that price, for only $77. For that low cost, you get 4 months of programs designed to make you more mobile, strong, and athletic, and comes with adaptations for different equipment, 2-, 3-, and 4-day per week programs, and a massive variety of exercises to draw from.
I’ve used it, and I’ve recommended it to clients who weren’t able to continue training with me in person or through distance coaching. It’s a very effective program that I would recommend to anyone. It’s only on sale until Saturday, so you’d better hurry up and get yours while it’s good and cheap.
3. I was contacted by a competitive pole dancer the other day to help her fix up a shoulder injury. At first I was like “what the what??!?!” But then she explained that she did more of this kind of thing, and not the type where they blast “Pour Some Sugar on Me” while a creepy guy in the first row makes it rain.
This should be a pretty cool challenge.
4. A few weeks ago, I was asked to do some testing with the Edmonton Oilers as part of their exit testing series, and jumped at the chance. Who wouldn’t want to spend the day taking an entire NHL team through the FMS and interpreting the results? What I can tell you is that I’ve never met an athlete, professional or otherwise, who competes in a very posture-specific sport (such as hockey), who exhibited perfect movement.
Hockey players have a lot of the same kinds of traits: tight ankles from wearing skates, limited overhead mobility due to being perpetually hunched over, poor shoulder mobility from said hunching and from checking and getting checked.
While I would love to show you specifics of how each player did, that had to be kept confidential. All told, it was a cool experience and hopefully I’ll get a chance to do it again.
5. Tony Gentilcore and I will be hosting a workshop at Cressey Performance on the weekend of July 27-28, with an optional shadowing day at CP and some potential time to work out with Tony and I in small group and 1-on-1 settings. We’re planning on making it entirely hands on and very practical based. No sitting around listening to us drone on with a PowerPoint in the background. It’s going to be a very coaching intensive workshop, and I’ll toot my own and Tony’s horn in saying it’s probably going to be the best workshop in the history of ever. We’re also going to be capping it at roughly 30 people, so it will be nice and intimate, and probably juuuuuust a little creepy. Not in a bad way, but creepy in a way you know you like.
We’re still finalizing some details: what kind of jerky to serve, beef or dinosaur. What the cut-off weight for your back squat should be to attend, shirts optional, that kind of thing, but there’s a couple thing you could help out with. First, we need a name to convey the sheer sense of how epic this weekend will be. What do you think it should be called? Also, if you were to attend something like this, what would be two or three of your big takeaway points that you would absolutely want to cover? Drop a comment below and let me know so we can make this thing grow some wings.
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