One of the things I love about working in the health and fitness industry is the variance between different schools of thought and how each has their merits and utility. Whether it’s strength coaches, physiotherapists, chiropractors, body builders, Crossfitters, “functional” folks, sport specific peeps, or even the old guy in the gym who just cut one and didn’t seem to either notice or care who he was crop dusting.
I dig that variety. It goes to show that with so many thought processes that there’s no one way to achieve health or just a singular path to get fit.
A saying that perfectly describes this is “It’s all just different windows into the same room.”
While the room remains the same, if you were to look into it from different windows, you may see or not see different features, like either the fire place or the bed, or even other windows.
This is the same when it comes to the body. While one person has tremendous success using dry needling and another has a lot of success using ART or Graston, and even others prefer to use more active modalities like exercise, the body is still the same regardless of who is working on it.
This is one of the big reasons multidisciplinary approaches to health and fitness are usually more successful than singular approaches. The different viewpoints into the workings of the body provide a system of checks and balances and an expanded skill set to get the client or patient better in a much faster manner than otherwise. Plus, getting someone from in pain to a yoked out Juggernaut of a human being is way easier when you have others in on the process to keep them health while they hoist copious amounts of weight over their build.
Prior to even as recently as 20 years ago, information was a protected entity, typically sold to whomever was willing to pay for it. It was either distributed through newspapers, magazines, television, movies, or through volumes of encyclopedias that would take up entire shelves, and need an annual update edition to correct everything that had changed in that past year.
Prior to that, information was even more protected with fewer resources to get your learn on, and in many cases the only way to gain meaningful information was to attend universities or some level of technical college and work under a master tradesman/professor.
Now there’s countless free resources, such as this blog, as well as other sites like Google or Wikipedia, where people can just click on to find out anything they want with relative ease, and in most cases it’s free.
Now while there’s so much information that’s free out there, the issue comes from the quantity itself. THERE’S SO MUCH!!! How do you spend time working through all of it and still stay sane?
That’s where different services and products come in. THere’s services that offer research reviews and compilations for the geekier folks out there who want to stay up on the current trends but don’t want to try to wade through 5000 abstracts each month. Then there’s seminars and workshops where you can get some condensed information on a specific topic that can help provide some direction on and new tools and techniques for you to better yourself. This is a big part of pretty much any profession out there, not simply limited to the fitness industry.
And as mentioned earlier, having more than one view point is critical to form the best thought process, and also to cover your bases to see the entire room as well as possible, regardless of where you stand.
Recently, Rick Kaselj, Tony Gentilcore, and Dr. Jeff Cubos released The Spinal Health & Core Training seminar, a 12 hour digital download video that discusses different approaches to assessing and training core strength and stability from a personal trainer, strength coach, kinesiologist, and chiropractic points of view.
There aren’t many other products out there by such a talented group of professionals who can help make you get out of pain, get stronger, feel athletic, and become a gat-damn sexual Tyrannosaurus Rex better than this group of four.
Here’s a couple of big guarantees about the videos you won’t see anywhere else:
Today’s the last day to get the introductory sale price of only $97, so hustle on up and get some sweet video action of some of the smartest fitness folks in the biz, all for less than $10 an hour. Seriously, that’s less than minimum wage, which means it’s slavery, which means you’re breaking the law by NOT getting this video series. So don’t break the law, and act now while it’s still cheap.
====> Get Spinal Health & Core Training NOW!!! <======