Posted May 6, 2011

Best Exercise You Could Ever Do: Lunge Elbow to Instep

So after spending nearly a week on the shelf, I’m happy to say I’m back to posting my usual brand of fantastic as always, but that’s not to say this has been the only interesting thing this week. We sent out wedding invites last week and started getting some of them back, I went and got fitted for a tux and figured out some of the finer elements for the upcoming nuptials, and put some more time into building a workshop for June that’s going to be pretty incredible.

Plus, between the weather being warm enough that I can now FINALLY bike to work each day, running a River Valley Boot Camp twice a week, and getting my own workouts in each day, my legs have wound up feeling like two bags of rocks. I mean, don’t get me wrong because I’m completely happy being unable to walk normally because I’ve gassed my legs so much that something as simple as standing up off the toilet requires a plan A and a plan B, as well as a hefty bit of bracing and a sprinkling of hope, I can’t wait for the point in a week or two when I can bend down and not feel like I’m going to get stuck down there.

SO I feel kinda bad, because this is BY FAR one of my favorite all-time hip mobilizers in all of humanity, and I feel like it’s taken me way too long to put this up and show you what the deal is. So without further adieu, here is one of the all-time, gold medal winning, power-kick to the groin exercise of the day:

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Here’s the main pointers:

1. This stretch, besides being the easiest way to tell if your shorts are too short (Note: if you have to ask, THEY ARE!! Nobody wants to see your propeller steering you left and right there hoss. Wear jogging pants),this gives one of the best contralateral stretch for the anterior and posterior pelvis. As the front leg goes through the full flexion range of motion the back leg pulls on the illiopsoas to help stabilize the lumbar spin against the forces of flexion, which helps to make the pelvis stretch without forcing the spine into flexion along with it.

2. It makes you look like Spiderman

3. My calves are freakin huge.

Coaching Points:

Take a longer stride than a normal lunge with your right leg, and lower down so you can put your left hand flat on the floor. While you’re down there, try to touch the point of your elbow to the inside of your foot. If you have to let one go in order to get all the way down there, just aim it away from the groupĀ of Lulu Lemon-wearing cheerleaders doing 3 pound bicep curls while giggling about lip gloss and how hard it is to be hot. Hold the bottom of the movement for a full second, and come back u to standing. Alternate with the other leg, and repeat ad nauseam.

Something to be aware of with this one, it can break you down. If you’re somewhat stiff and tight, you may find that your hamstrings get sore enough to make you feel like may have actually pulled them off the bone. This is probably one of the deepest stretches you will ever find, so proceed with caution.

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