Yesterday was pretty neat. I know, neat is probably the least bad-ass term you could use in a day, but it honestly was. Those are the kinds of days where cool stuff happens, but it’s not like a major life changing event. Sort of like putting on a winter jacket and finding a $20 bill in the pocket you forgot about. Or maybe like walking up the street and seeing someone nail a sick parallel parking job with only a 2 point attempt instead of a 10 pointer like Austin Powers in a tight hallway.
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To lay it out for you, I woke up at about 4:45am to light snow falling, which completely blows, but at least it wasn’t sticking to the ground. From there I trained about a dozen clients, 2 of them hitting deadlift PRs without even having it planned. I confirmed dates for a workshop in London next spring (details to come soon), and had a good lunch. Then I found out I had an article published on, and then had another published on later in the day. Fist pump.
The T-Nation article was titled “Stop Being a Jerk,” and talks about how to avoid jerking the initial pull in a deadlift, and why accelerating wildly into an unmoving object is typically less than a good idea. I even included a sweet descriptive video.
The funny thing is I had an amazing introduction in the article which the editors cut for the sake of brevity and clarification, and the original title of the article was “Quit Jerking Off.” I completely understand why it was altered, but I was so proud of that work of Machiavelian genius that I wanted to show it to you to give you the benefits of its life lessons and, well, pure awesomeness:
My mom caught me jerking off one day and called me out for it. She even used the old mom-ism of “if you keep doing that, you’ll go blind.” I was both embarrassed at her catching me and a little sore, for I was going at it pretty intensely.
I’d be lying if I said this was the first time she’d caught me. It was pretty much anytime I was home and she decided to come home unannounced, headed to do a load of laundry, she’d catch me in the act.
I was in our basement deadlifting with an old set of Weider weights filled with sand, and not knowing what the hell I was doing as pretty much every 13 year old in the world, I was trying to use a little momentum to get the weight off the floor by pre-loading down into the movement, then accelerating with no load until my elbows and shoulders reached the end range of motion, the acceleration ended with the weight resisting my further accelerations, and then slow progress off the floor in a very strained and less than ideal manner.
And I wonder why I have back issues?
Jerking a weight off the floor is a common thing to a see among young and beginner trainees who may have not had proper coaching and put a high reparation on maximal poundages hoisted from gravities cruel scales. It’s not something that provides much physical benefit, other than sounding really bad-ass when your ligaments thunk into maximal tension from near laxity.
====> Click Here to Read the Rest of the Article <====
The second article of the day on is one that talks about how to simultaneously train for size and strength using a hybrid bodybuilding powerlifting type program. I’m a big believer that strength is a quality that helps in pretty much every endeavour, and especially so in terms of gaining muscle. Using a smaller weight for more reps is great for building up potential metabolic strain and possible repetitive breakdown and buildup of muscle tissue, but you know what’s better than this?
Heavy weights.
This article gives you a simple to follow but intense 3 day a week program that focuses on heavy compound work for strength and hypertrophy, which is pretty much any reason why someone would want to work out in the gym.
====> Click HERE to Check it Out <====
Grab a chair and give them a read.
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